April 2014

The German Energiewende will continue, but the EEG reform is a bluff


The Feed in Tariff Reform (EEG reform) is not a big deal as it leaves important parts aside. The planned cap for renewable energy is luckily not a strong as it was planned before, the FIT of wind onshore and biomass will not be cut as drastically as initially planned. The Energiewende will therefore continue, [...]

The German Energiewende will continue, but the EEG reform is a bluff2020-08-31T09:13:22+00:00

The German Energiewende has an Image Problem


Here answers to frequently asked questions: -What will you say are the disadvantages and benefits of the Energiewende? Benefits are that Germany will reduce energy imports, and will therefore be less vulnerable from fossil energy price shocks or delivery disruptions. A further advantage is that the costs for renewable energy decline. Energy efficiency improvement drives [...]

The German Energiewende has an Image Problem2020-08-31T09:13:22+00:00
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